Break free from chain stores
Most food products you buy don't include the "invisible cost" of their carbon footprint
Why it's important
• A meal using supermarket chain ingredients uses 4 to 17 times more petroleum than the same meal using local ingredients
• Local goods can actually be "cheaper" for the earth after discounting the cost of transport
• Deliveries by local shops are greener because people usually buy a bunch of stuff at once
Count me in!Challenge a friend!
Yee-haw! Thanks for committing to do an act for the planet.
Your contribution benefits us all. Thank you!
But wait! Don't stop there...
Challenge a friend!I want to do another!
Keep track of your acts! Soon, you'll be able to rack up points, and even win prizes, like city-wide ice cream or pizza parties!
Multiply your impact. Challenge your friends to #Do1Act.
Include an image or video of you doing your act to increase your effectiveness!
Nevermind, I'll do another.